Our website aims to give recent news about Quakerism in and around Paris, links to Quaker sites elsewhere in France and the wider world, as well as practical info on how to make contact and take part in our Meetings for Worship, including special arrangements during the current pandemic.
Quaker in Europe: Introduction to the Quaker Way, new edition of our online course (in french)
We are delighted to invite you to take part in our online course, Quaker in Europe: An Introduction to the Quaker Way. This course has been designed to explore the rich history, values and practices of Quakerism, a religious movement with no clergy, rites or sacraments, based on the direct experience of the Inner Light within each person.
Whether you are new to Quakerism or looking to deepen your knowledge, this course will provide a unique opportunity to learn and engage in discussion about key aspects of the Quaker way.
To find out more, please click-here
French’s Quakers Newsletter: April 2022 issue

The April 2022 issue of “La Lettre des Amis,” the quarterly newsletter of Quakers in France, is now available and can be downloaded in PDF format from the national website.
To download back issues ou receive the print issue of the newletter by postal mail, please visit the Quakers en France website
Could Quakerism be the radical faith that the millennial generation is looking for?

After a year of working with young adult Quakers, Chris Venables shares three ways to welcome in young people seeking something more from life.
Whether they are out canvassing at election time, or marching for their right to live free of gun violence, young people everywhere are working to make the world a more just and equal place. Not just for themselves, but for everyone.
French Quakers’ Newsletter: December 2021 Issue
The December 2021 issue of “La Lettre des Amis,” the quarterly newsletter of Quakers in France, is now available and can be downloaded in PDF format from the national website.
New: From this issue on, all articles in the newsletter that were originally written in English can be read in that language via the PDF file. Readers should simply click on the “EN” that appears next to their titles in the table of contents.
To download back issues ou receive the print issue of the newletter by postal mail, please visit the Quakers en France website
French Yearly Meeting 2021: Epistle

The 2021 assembly of Quakers in France took place in the “La Solitude” spiritual centre near Bordeaux from October 29th to November 1st. In their epistle, French Friends write of a “joyful and inspirational” weekend, “surrounded by a sea of vineyards.“
“We took as our challenge ‘How to advance our aims and beliefs in such a needy world,'” they add. “The vineyards reminded us that France is the third exporter of wine in the world, but also the third exporter of arms. We have work to do.“
Document available in both English and the original French via the Europe and Middle East website of the FWCC. See also the national “Quakers in France” website.
From November 8: French Online Course on Quakerism

“Would you like to discover or deepen your knowledge of the Quaker Way? You’ll be able to do so from November 8, 2021 by signing up for our free online course in French.”
More info (in French) on the French Quakers’ website Also available: contents of the course (PDF file)
COP26: European Churches Launch Interfaith Campaign on Climate Change
“As leaders and peoples of English-speaking faith communities in Paris, London and Berlin, we feel compelled to respond to the climate crisis, which is afflicting the poor and vulnerable the most. Our children and generations to come will suffer and perish from our inaction. Rapid, transformative change is needed now to avert climate catastrophe. Let us lift up creation as world leaders meet for the UN climate conference in November.
Join us as we work together to shed light on the systemic and structural issues blocking a sustainable future and climate justice for all people, through reflection, prayer, and action.“
More info on the website of the American Church in Paris
Sunday October 2nd: World Quaker Day
Our theme: “Resilience and hope: drawing strength from our Quaker faith”: http://www.worldquakerday.org/
British Quakers mobilise against the arms trade
On September 13, Quakers in Britain and other peace groups are holding a London vigil to mark the start of an arms fair being held in London. Meanwhile, a group of artists are holding a special show to mark their opposition to the trade in death. More info at:
- Peace Vigil
- “Art The Arms Fair” exhibition
Quakers in Britain: Key documents from their Yearly Meeting
British Friends held their Yearly Meeting from July 19 to August 8. Due to the pandemic, the gathering was held online.
Key documents are available on the www.quaker.org.uk website. Direct link: “Quakers make commitments on racism, gender diversity and climate justice.”